The question, really.

Then come back and read…

This photo has long been one of my favorite photos of the unborn. The translucence of the skin. The veins in the leg. The artistry and design. It’s delicate and fragile, awesome and inspiring, all at once.

The skin isn’t showing color just yet, and no matter how long I may look, I cannot tell which race of people this skin belongs to. Skin begins to show its color in the third trimester, you see. Until then, we look very much the same.

And it raises a question.

The question, really.

When will value enter this little life’s story?

One person might say at one month. Another might say six months. And still another might say birth.

Why not from the very beginning?

Why not from the very first moment?

Because THE question, (when does value begin), will eventually lead to so many other questions ABOUT value and worth and significance.

If we do not possess intrinsic, irrevocable value from our beginning, will we really have it later, when all of our distinguishing characteristics begin to show?

Let’s not wait to celebrate value.

Let’s do it here, now - from the very beginning.

Antionette Duck

Founder and Speaker, Mafgia Ministries


Care Net Pregnancy Centers


Rachel’s Vineyard